Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 5 November, 2002

Election Day


5 November, 2002

big hammer - bigger hammer

(Updated Daily)


Issue #27

Disinfotainment Today

By Michael Dare

"All Rights Reserved and All Wrongs Avenged"



is brought to you by
The Democratic Party



No Shit
Forget acid rain. Forget the hole in the ozone layer. The latest environmental disaster is fertilizer falling from the sky.
Good Thing/Bad Thing
I've been invited to join the Illuminati.
Calling All Rape Victims
If you're going to accuse a man of rape, make sure he doesn't have a penis that's only one inch long.
Audio Files of the Week
Don't miss chapter one of Harry Shearer's Dick Cheney: Confidential - "Hostages and Snipers"
This amazing, but now hideously out of date, audio file reveals what actually was said in the garbled phone calls from the DC Snipers (300k).
The Mystery of the Ruby Tooth by Eric Deckers gives The Firesign Theater a run for their money.
The Compassionate American Press in Action
When a group of Gulf War veterans had a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington on October 24 to point out some of the consequences of war in the gulf, including conditions leading to the sickness of 128,000 Gulf War veterans in 1991, the media did not show up.
Who'da Thunk?
According to OJ Simpson, the DC area snipers were responsible for the deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
Service Me
Google's got a brand new service where you type in any items in any list and it completes the list for you. Try "war" and "peace," not "fellatio" and "cunnilingus," you perv.
Gee, You'd Think We'd Already Won the War
The leader of the London-based Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabi, has met executives of three US oil multinationals to negotiate the carve-up of Iraq's massive oil reserves post-Saddam.
Book of the Week
Sean Penn sent a nice open letter to George W. Bush. Michael Moore sent a nice open letter to George W. Bush. Woody Harrelson sent a nice open letter to George W. Bush. Unfortunately, all of these letters were on a reading level far beyond George W. Bush, so they were useless. To teach him a lesson about abuse of power, it is necessary to send him something he can actually read. Please send a copy of Dr. Seuss's Yertle the Turtle to George W. Bush. The future of our nation depends upon it.
Food for Thought
If Bush in any way signaled to the Taliban that we had plans to invade Afghanistan, then bin Laden's attack on 9/11 was a pre-emptive strike, caused by Bush, using a tactic Bush is now showing that he wholeheartedly approves of.
More Food for Thought
Hey, am I the only one who was entirely on the side of the Chechen rebels in their brief occupation of a theater in Moscow? What the fuck is Russia doing in Chechnya? The same thing England's doing in Ireland. They should pull out immediately, but instead they're using the incident to push for more war. Further proof that escalation breeds nothing but escalation, retaliation further retaliation.
Conspiracy Buff Question of the Week
"What was that FBI intelligence expert working on prior to her murder in the Home Depot parking lot?"
Barry Crimins -
Contradiction of the Week
News Item: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. announces it will fire 480 workers from its 59-year-old plant in Omaha, Neb., and move their jobs to Mexico, where workers are paid $12.77 a day.
News Item: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. announces winners of essay contest that asked youths to write on the subject, "What the Spirit of America Means to Me," as Sam Gibara, chairman and CEO, congratulates the youths on their "deep patriotism and immense pride in this nation and its people."
Music Video of the Week
Thank God somebody has made a music video out of John Ashcroft's soul stirring rendition of The Mighty Eagle Soars.
Good for Bush
It turns out dark matter rules the universe.
Worst Name for a Dog
Arf Gartfunkle
Piano Solo of the Week
For your consideration, in the tradition of Aaron Copeland and Van Dyke Parks,  An American Piece, by Michael Dare (1.5 meg)
Time Waster of the Week
Here's a directory of every online pinball game.
Totally Wacko New World Order Site of the Week
Here's the case for the fact that somebody has been combining human and extra-terrestrial DNA.


Dear Dr. Hollywood,
My name is Jemika from Minnesota. Please, please tell me you can help me. I have a great idea for a game show. It's the greatest idea since wheel of fortune...hmmm really. I just need to know how and who can I submit this idea to. I have been giving private parties for the last two months playing this game and people love it. What's so good about it is that people want to play this game. It's a old favorite with a twist nothing, I mean nothing is like it on tv right now It's a winner for sure I just need some helpful info on how to get started. Once I have cross all my T's and dotted my I's  I would like share this idea with you and the world.
Thank you for your time,
Dear Jemika,
Thank you for braving time and space to contact me.
Know how Wheel of Fortune ended up on the air? Because Merv Griffin thought of it. It was his idea. He hired writers, actors, a director, build a set, shot it, and showed it to a network. He made millions because it was his idea and he did something with it. He wouldn't have made as much if it hadn't been his idea, which is why people like Merv Griffin like to run with their own ideas.
Actual professional game show producers have staffs of the best writers they can get, writers with decades of experience, dozens of creative people sitting around every day doing nothing but coming up with ideas for game shows. Of the thousands of ideas they've sifted through, you think it's possible they never thought of your idea? If it's a common game, they have already spent hours trying to come up with a TV version. The only reason they would need you is if you option the TV rights to the original game so they HAVE to come to you. (This is a serious option if you're serious. Somebody along the way is going to HAVE to buy the rights to the underlying game. Might as well be you.) The last thing on earth a professional TV producer is looking for is ideas from the outside.
Ideas are worthless. Write a script and there's a minimum they have to pay you, but there's no minimum for ideas. Nobody in Hollywood is looking for an idea for anything because they're quite literally not worth anything. When's the last time you saw a credit for "idea?" Everyone in Hollywood has too many ideas of their own to bother with yours.
Here's a little quiz.
Having an idea for a game show is exactly like...
a) having an idea for a car.
b) having an idea for a mass market food item.
c) having an idea for the space shuttle.
d) having an idea for a skyscraper.
e) all of the above.
Think about it. They're all multi-million dollar industries. It's like you're telling me you've got a great recipe for a cookie that all your friends agree is the best cookie they've ever had, and you want to know how you can get it on millions of grocery store shelves in between Famous Amos and Mrs. Fields.
Simple answer. You can't, at least not without spending millions of dollars and opening shops first.
Don't ever expect anybody else to run with your ideas. You will never find anyone on earth who is more in love with your ideas than you are. The only thing you can do with your idea is use it. Execution is all that counts. What you do with the idea. Absolutely nobody on earth, including me, will be impressed by the fact that people in your living room like your idea. Believe me, a lot of people had THE IDEA of creating an auction site on the net, but the only person that counts is the one who took that idea and personally created eBay.
The answer's right in front of you. Figure out how to make it work on the net. Register YOURGAME.COM, and see how many players you can attract. As soon as you're up to 10,000 a day, THEN someone will be impressed with the idea of your game. That's how You Don't Know Jack ended up on television. If your game can't even attract players on the net, how can you expect it to attract viewers on TV?
Send your questions to "Ask Dr. Hollywood" at




November 4, 2002


Satan for President in 2004



Yep, it's time to hold your nose and vote Democratic.




At Central Alternative High School, the kids now behave. The hallways aren't frantic. Even the teachers are happy. 
The school used to be out of control. Kids packed weapons. Discipline problems swamped the principals office, but not since 1997. 
What happened? Did they line every inch of space with cops? Did they spray valium gas in the classrooms? Did they install metal detectors in the bathrooms? Did they build holding cells in the gym? Did they invite drug sniffing dogs? No. Click here to find out what they did.




with apologies to Meredith Wilson
Well either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of a Republican in the White House.
Well, you got trouble my friend. Right here, I say, trouble right here in America. Why sure I'm a voter, certainly mighty proud to say, I'm always mighty proud to say it. I consider that the hours I spend in a voting booth are golden. Help ya cultivate horse sense, and cool head and a keen eye. Did you ever take and try to punch through a dimpled chad when you're black and living in Florida? But just as I say it takes judgment, brains and maturity to put somebody in office, I say that any boob can take and shove a ballot in a ballot box.
And I call that cheating, the first big step on the road to the depths of degrada- - I say first, personal checks by the teaspoon, then corporate checks by the bottle. And the next thing you know your President is playing for money in a pinch back suit and listening to some big out of town jasper here to talk about Kyoto protocols. Not a wholesome American protocol, no, but a protocol that hits him right in the paycheck. Like to see some stuck up Yale boy sitting in the oval office?
Make your blood boil? Well, I should say. Now friends, let me tell you what I mean. Ya got one, two, three, four, five, six names on a ballot. Names that mark the difference between intelligent and dumb, with a capital D and that rhymes with B and that stands for Bush.
And all week long your American youth will be fritterin' away I say your young men will be fritterin. Fritterin away their noon time, supper time, chore time too. Get some money in the bank, never mind getting dandelions pulled or the screen door patched or the beef steak pounded. Never mind pumping any water till your parents are caught with a cistern empty on a Saturday night and that's trouble. Yes you got lots and lots of trouble. I'm thinking of the kids in the kindergarten, shirt tailed young ones. Peeking in the rich folk's window after school. You got trouble, Folks! Right here in America. Trouble with a Capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for Bush.
Now I know all you folks are the right kind of parents. I'm going to be perfectly frank. Would you like to know what kind of conversation goes on while they're hanging in the oval office? They'll be raising taxes on your cigarettes while smoking Havanas like commy fiends. And bragging all about how they're gonna cover up a tell-tale conspiracy with CNN. One fine night, they leave the White House, heading for the shelter at the armory, Republican men and scarlet women, safe from the bomb, shameless actions that will drive your son, your daughter to the arms of what you better be building, bomb shelter. Friends the Bush's brain is the devil's playground. Trouble! O-ho we got trouble. Trouble with a Capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for Bush.
Mothers of America. Heed this warning before it's too late! Watch for the telltale signs of Republicanism. The minute your son leaves the house, does he use his laptop for insider trading? Is there a nicotine stain on his index finger? A million bucks hidden in the Caymans? Is he starting to memorize jokes from Rush Limbaugh? Are certain wooooords creeping into his conversation? Words like "stategery?" A-ha! And "pre-emptive strike?"
If so my friends. . .ya got trouble!
Right here in America.
Right here!
With a capital T
And that rhymes with B
And that stands for Bush


From Masturbate for Peace
Alternative bumperstickers
Stop human loss, give yourself a toss
Ignore Bush's war calls, play with your balls
For peace to work, you need to jerk
War is heinous, thumb your anus
Three times a day keeps war at bay
Attack your crack, not Iraq!
You Can't Beat Off with Nuclear Arms
War is Mean, Flick Your Bean
War is wrong. Whack your schlong.
My 'friendly fire' harms no-one
Semen cleans off of hands easier than blood
Palms Not Bombs
I'm going blind for Mankind
War is silly, whack your willy
Think globally, whack locally


Read about DHMO and ask yourself whether you're happy it's in baby food.


Foil wrapped baked potatoes should never be left at room temperature.


One of these quotes is entirely false.
"Confidence in our economy depends upon us holding people to account if they're not honest with the people. That's the kind of leadership you need in Nashville and that's the kind of leadership you've got in Washington."
- GW Bush -
"The president continues to have confidence in Harvey Pitt."
- Ari Fleischer -
"Canada has this odd system where the one who gets the most votes gets to run the country, which we should try here in America some time." - Paul Begala, Crossfire, 10/31/02 -
"What's the difference between Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush?
Answer: Hitler was elected."
- Paul Krassner -
"Let's hear no more about this bizarre cover-up."
- Principal Skinner on The Simpsons -
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."
- Capt. Mal Reynolds on Firefly -
"It's not enough to say God Bless America, it should be God Bless EVERYONE."
- Meria Heller -
"Today the real test of power is not the capacity to make war but the capacity to prevent it."
- Anne O'Hare McCormick
"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
- Edward Everett -
"If the government of the people abandon any of the principles of which gave birth to our Nation, then we must take our government back and deliver it to the hands of the people."
- Thomas Jefferson, 1800 -
"If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
- Aleksander Solzhenitsyn -
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
- Oscar Wilde -
"Our country is for sale. The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe is for sale to the highest bidder. Our safety, our children, our lives are likewise for sale. You don't get health care - you buy health care. You don't get justice - you buy justice, and you sure don't get freedom - you fight for it."
- Marc Ash, -
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
- Martin Luther King, Jr. -

"The difference between treason and mutiny is that traitors want to sink the boat while mutineers simply want to get rid of the captain. Mutineers are patriots; traitors are not. I am a mutineer, not a traitor."
- Benedict Arnold -
"The population of this country is 237 million and 104 million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school, which leaves 48 million to do the work. Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government, leaving 19 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 16.2 million to do the work.  Take from the total the 14,800,000 people who work for State and City Governments and that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals, leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are also 1,211,998 people in prisons.  That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me.  And you're sitting at your computer reading jokes..."
David Prince -
"Do you think you've learned from your mistakes?" "Yes. I'm sure I could repeat them exactly."
- Peter Cook and Dudley Moore -

"Kid, I'm a zoo clown. Now buy a giraffe or go to hell."
- Malcolm in the Middle -


This Christmas, why not give to The Committee To Have Bob Hope Declared Legally Dead.


Mandatory reading: You've seen excerpts, now read Gore Vidal's entire The Enemy Within.
Check out the Utne Reader's incredible page devoted to every article, resource, and upcoming protest against the war in Iraq.
A revolution in energy is coming, but Washington is looking the other way
Rid your system of Republican influence with Colonblow.
Get rid of all those horrible sounds on your computer and replace them with cartoon sounds.
A 20 milligram bottle of the popular anti-depression drug Xanax sells for $136.79, while the cost of the generic active ingredient tops out at less than 3 cents, leaving a markup of 569,958 percent. Go here for the rest of the top ten drug markups.
All out of Epicac but still need to induce vomiting? Try this collection of quotes from Pat Robertson.
Why use that tacky old human dildo when you can get a grizzly bear dildo? Kangaroos, dolphins and raccoons are available too.
Go here, type in your zipcode, and find out what marketers think of you.
The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, warns that there will be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large. We know, as does the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, that this statement is an incontrovertible fact, a matter of scientific certainty. And how can we and the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, be so sure that there will be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large? Because these attacks will be instigated at the order of the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense.
One of many online petitions to stop the war.
Can't figure out how to vote? This flowchart should help.
The Bush administration is rolling back the nation's environmental and public health laws and policies at a rate never seen before. Laws governing water and air pollution, public lands and national forests, hazardous waste sites, and other subjects of environmental concern have been targeted for substantial weakening or elimination. Without exception, these rollbacks threaten to undo decades of hard-won progress. Read Paybacks.
That flight school in Florida where the terrorists took their lessons might seem like old news, but not to reporter Daniel Hopsicker who keeps digging and digging and coming up with stranger and stranger information, like the owner's big heroin bust in 2000. Pretty suspicious considering Al Qaeda's chief product for export is heroin.
Compare and contrast: George W.Bush Snubs Senator Paul Wellstone
President Bill Clinton Honors Senator John Chafee
(thanks dburke11)
Send Tom Daschle a message he'll understand.
Even CNN says that Bush's tax cut will only benefit the rich.
Paul Wellstone: Accident or murder?
Was Bush guilty of insider trading at Harken? Decide for yourself.
Mike Hersh explains why Republicans can't keep us safe.
Did U.N. inspectors leave Iraq of their own accord or were they booted out? Check out this amazing collection of dueling media quotes at What a Difference Four Years Makes.
Completely mind-boggling. Go here for the astronomy picture of the day. Be sure to look at this very strange thing in the middle of the Sahara Desert that can only be seen from space.
Gee, I wonder why the U.S. is asking the court to dismiss that  $1 trillion lawsuit that links the Saudis to Al Qaeda and 9/11?
Hey, the Saudis are our friends who are doing absolutely everything they can to stop terrorism. Who says? The Saudi Embassy, that's who.
You'd have to be a real nerd to think that using a thesaurus can be fun, but not if you use the incredible visual thesaurus.
Not that I recommend such a thing, but here's a Guide to Close Circuit Television Destruction.
It's the final death knell of Democracy when one side controls all the vote counting machines.
Oh, by the way, you don't REALLY have to worry about the honesty of the election. It's being monitored by Russia.

Contact resident Bush -

White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414

Contact your Senator -

Contact your Representative -

House and Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Links to Central Government Agencies -

Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are  here.
All of Helen's columns are here.
Dr. Hollywood archives are here
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form.
Since it's too late to donate to any political candidates,
send money to me.

dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it.
This newsletter made entirely by slave labor.

Many thanks to Michael Dare!


'TBH Politoons'

Click Here!

Thanks, again, Tim!


Special Republican Hoax Bulletin

Disinfotainment Today

By Michael Dare

I first got forwarded this from a reader, obviously someone of discretion and taste, on 11/3 at 1:16AM. They added the intro "Do you believe this?" 
    President Bush and a Republican House of Representatives are all that stand  in the way of gay marriage becoming legal in America, the legal lowering of the  age of sexual consent, and the final elimination of "sodomy" laws in all fifty states.
    If you don't get out and vote DEMOCRATIC, we as gay Americans will lose  our influence to push through gay marriage in the Senate and the right for  even gay teens to have sex whenever and with whomever they want. If you  vote, Democrats could gain control of the House! Imagine Barney Frank  as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. It would be a far cry from the days of Henry Hyde. They'll be no stopping us!
    Right now, Jim Jeffords (Thank goodness for Vermont!), Tom Daschle, and  our Democratic friends in the Senate are all that is stopping President Bush  from getting his judicial nominees on the bench. Bush-appointed judges  are the last thing sexually diverse people want.
    Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered, or just sympathetic  towards our rights, please get out and vote Democratic this November 5th!
    Whether the Democratic Senate candidate is gay-friendly or not, you  need to vote for that Democrat. When push comes to shove, new Senate  and House members follow the leadership, and the Democratic leadership are ALWAYS in our corner!
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if openly gay married couples lived on every  block and in every apartment building in America!
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if your child had an openly gay teacher!
    Wouldn't be wonderful if every word that attacks our rights was a crime!
    It'll never happen unless you get out and vote Democratic November 5th!
I just dismissed it as a wacko piece of gay propaganda, not really giving it the attention it deserved.
Then, it came again at 3:30PM, only this time it was from, who added the following intro...
Bush Country was just forwarded the following email from one of our site visitors. The email is from a website called Gay America to their subscribers and shows just how entrenched Democrats are with the Gay movement. The title of the email was "Gay Rights or the Republicans, You Decide"!
Bush Country thought it quite appropriate that we ask our site visitors the same thing and ask you read this email to see why voting this November 5th is so important to America's future! Please read and then vote! Email Sent From to their subscribers:
Go to and you'll find invitations to look at gay pornography, go to the gay Mardi Gras, or just cruise or It's a directory site, pointing gays to all the gay places on the Internet, making it look like gays are taking over America. The one thing missing is any place to sign up for any sort of mass mailing, but there was an e-mail address at the bottom. I wrote and asked if they had written the letter. Just got this response.
Dear Mr. Dare,
GayAmerica.COM did not send, nor does it condone the wording being attributed to GayAmerica.COM.
Apparently, evil is at work to discredit GayAmerica.Com which serves as an informational Web site for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgenders.
GayAmerica.COM does not even have a subscriber list.
The bogus e-mail is attributed to GayAmerica.COM does not offer e-mail services to anyone.
Rip Naquin-Delain
Genius. It's all brilliantly clear. It's not an attempt to "discredit GayAmerica.Com." It's a devious piece of "get out the vote" propaganda from the Republican Party, a hoax designed to foment anti-gay fervor among the more Mongoloid members of their party who won't recognize the parts of it that are blatant lies and ridiculous distortions but who will entirely focus upon "Wouldn't it be wonderful if your child had an openly gay teacher!" This will cause them to foam at the mouth and mumble "Ain't no faggot gonna teach little Festus!" And they will run out and vote for every Republican on the ballot while still sending little Festus to church every Sunday to get buggered by Father McReady.
Nobody gets out the idiot vote like the Republicans. I can't even imagine what the Democratic version of this would be, not only because Democrats aren't devious enough, but because most of the exaggerated claims about conservative Republicans are completely true.
The sad thing?
It's going to work.
Many thanks to Michael Dare!


Reader Suggestion

from Tim H

Everyone should clip and save these important phone numbers. Take them to the polls --- specially if you live in Florida, Missouri, Arkansas or South Dakota!

If you have ANY trouble voting or suspect problems with the ballot or how it is being handled, call the DNC:

Democratic National Committee voting rights hotline

1 - 866 - VOTE - 411

( 1 - 866 - 868 - 3411 )

~~ Tim H

Thanks, Tim!


Reader Alert


from tim h

In the face of the controversial decision by the PBS network to refuse to transmit the investigative report, the nation's top PBS stations will independently broadcast COUNTING ON DEMOCRACY.

Directed by Emmy-award winner Danny Schechter, the 57-minute documentary follows BBC television reporter Greg Palast as he discovers how Katherine Harris removed up to 57,000 legal voters from registries - mostly black - five months before the 2000 election. While the public broadcast network chiefs refused to schedule this important report, dozens of local stations are insisting on showing the expose before the mid-term elections.

TONIGHT!!! ~~~>11/5 (10 pm) KCET --- Los Angeles, CA <~~~ TONIGHT!!!

11/6 (8 pm) WHUT --- Washington, DC

11/24 (1 am) KPBS --- San Diego, CA

For more information -


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

A very pretty day. Sun was out by 9am, and no (more) fog-induced pileups on the local freeway. Whew.

Today, the kid's teacher told the class that he didn't like Gray Davis because Gray Davis 'went to a church to tell the people how to vote instead of praying, because Gray needs the prayers.'

Tonight, Tuesday, CBS offers a fresh 'JAG', and a fresh 'Judging Amy', then a Dan Rather 'special' 'Campaign 2002: Election Night'.
Scheduled on a fresh Dave are Halle Berry, "Survivor" reject Shii Ann Huang, and the Wallflowers.
Scheduled on a fresh Craiggers are Peri Gilpin, Joey Fatone, and Melissa Etheridge.

NBC has a 90-minute episode of a fresh 'Fear Factor', then a fresh 'Frasier' and capped with 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a fresh Jay are Bob Newhart, Serena Williams, and Melissa Etheridge.
Scheduled on a fresh Conan are Sean Hayes, Lauren Graham, and the Trachtenburg Family Slide Show Players.
Scheduled on a fresh Carson Daly are Julie Bowen and Ben Kweller.

ABC will be starting their programs 5 minutes later than usual, to allow for local stations to update election results. Scheduled are a fresh '8 Simple Rules', a fresh 'Jim', a fresh 'Bonnie', a fresh 'Less Than Perfect', and wraps it with '2002 The Vote'.

The WB has a fresh 'Gilmore Girls' and a fresh 'Smallville'.

Faux has a 'special' - 'Fox's Funniest Outtakes', followed by a fresh '24'.

UPN starts with a fresh 'Buffy' and follows with a fresh 'Haunted'.

Anyone have any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Big Dog Watch Continues

Bill Clinton In New Bedford

Former President Bill Clinton, left, reaches into a crowd of supporters following a campaign rally for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Shannon O'Brien, right, in New Bedford, Masss., Monday Nov. 4, 2002.
Photo by Charles Krupa





Woman With An Opinion

Sharon Osbourne

If she had to do it over again, Sharon Osbourne says she wouldn't have invited MTV's cameras into her home.

The cancer-stricken matriarch of television's favorite dysfunctional family told ABC's Barbara Walters that she's calling it quits after an upcoming, 10-episode season is through.

MTV's second season of "The Osbournes" begins Nov. 26. The first set of episodes drew record ratings for the network this spring and made aging heavy-metal star Ozzy Osbourne and his family household names.

Sharon said Ozzy has begun drinking again in response to her cancer.

"We agreed to do the show and so the cameras are here all the time," she said. "So it's a little bit invasive right now and we have no privacy. You know when you're sick, you want to be on your own? I can't throw up on my own and Ozzy can't get drunk on his own."

Sharon Osbourne


Moose & Squirrel Information One-Stop

One-Stop Information!


Get Tough on Viewing

HBO & 'The Sopranos'

Bars and restaurants that try to entice customers by showing Paulie Walnuts, Ralphie Cifaretto and the rest of "The Sopranos" gang on Sunday nights are hearing from another type of enforcer.

HBO lawyers are sending out letters telling them to turn the sets off, since it's illegal to show the network's signal in public places.

As a pay cable service, HBO is only supposed to be shown in private homes and hotels, said Jeff Cusson, a spokesman for the network.

While there's no actual law against showing HBO's signal publicly, Cusson said people who get HBO through their cable or satellite provider agree to follow those rules.

HBO would be in violation of its own agreements with movie companies if the network knew its signal was being seen in public and wasn't doing anything about it, he said.

Establishments that persist showing HBO programs despite the cease-and-desist letter could be liable for civil penalties. It's never gone that far, Cusson said. He wouldn't say how many letters have gone out. HBO rarely goes out to find violators; lawyers usually send them once the network finds out about the promotions, usually through the newspaper.

HBO & 'The Sopranos'


Virgin Atlantic

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur Richard Branson poses with models wearing Branson face masks during a promotional event for the Virgin mobile phone service in Sydney November 4, 2002. Branson said his Virgin Atlantic carrier was cashed up and well prepared to withstand a sustained transatlantic travel downturn in the event of a U.S.-led attacks in Iraq.
Photo by Mark Baker


Bound for Radio Simulcast

David Letterman

CBS late-night television host David Letterman is bringing his Top 10 list and Stupid Pet Tricks to radio.

Starting Nov. 11, the "Late Show with David Letterman" will be simulcast each weeknight on 15 major-market radio stations owned by the Infinity Broadcasting network, a corporate sibling of CBS, marking a new avenue of cross-promotion for Letterman. Both CBS and Infinity are owned by Viacom Inc.

More stations are expected to follow suit in the near future, Infinity said.

David Letterman


Criticizes Cuba Embargo

Steven Spielberg

American director Steven Spielberg criticized the U.S. trade embargo against this communist-run island after arriving here to meet with young Cuban cinematographers and attend a festival showing eight of his films.

"I personally feel this embargo should be lifted," Spielberg told a news conference at a Havana hotel. "I don't see any reason for its existence beyond grudges carrying into the 21st century."

The Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industry invited Spielberg to Cuba, where he will meet with Cuban filmmakers and visit the International School of Film and Television, which trains students from around the world in the moviemaking arts.

Accompanying Spielberg on the trip are his wife, actress Kate Capshaw; cinematographer Janusz Kaminski; and television director Jake Paltrow.

Steven Spielberg


To Buy Bravo Network


NBC has agreed to buy the Bravo cable entertainment network from Cablevision Systems Corp. in a $1.25 billion cash and stock deal expected to expand the network's cable presence and shore up Cablevision's finances.

The deal, announced Monday, helps reduce debt at Cablevision, which has been under increasing pressure to improve its balance sheet.

In return for its position in Bravo, Cablevision will receive about $1 billion in stock — between $400 million and $500 million from NBC's parent General Electric Co. and 53.2 million shares of Cablevision Class A common stock, presently held by NBC. NBC had a significant stake in Cablevision's Rainbow Media Group subsidiary, which owned Bravo. When the transaction is complete, NBC will no longer have any holdings in Cablevision or any of its subsidiaries.

Cablevision has an 80 percent stake in Bravo; the remaining 20 percent is owned by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. NBC will pay $250 million cash for MGM's Bravo stake.

By structuring the deal to involve stock transfers, Cablevision can limit its tax liability while still improving its balance sheet. The Cablevision shares owned by NBC accounted for approximately 16 percent of Cablevision's common stock.

The acquisition of Bravo gives NBC a third national cable property. It already owns MSNBC and CNBC, in addition to minority stakes in ValueVision (ShopNBC), the A&E Network and the History Channel. Bravo reaches more than 68 million households nationwide.



In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends



Memorabilia to Go Under the Hammer

John Lennon

Rare items of memorabilia of Beatles legend John Lennon are to go on sale at auction house Cooper Owen in London later this month.

Centerpieces of the November 19 sale are two rare recordings of Lennon talking to his stepdaughter Kyoko -- his wife Yoko's Ono's daughter from her earlier marriage to American artist Tony Cox -- at a farm in Denmark where Cox was living at the time.

A private collector Chris Lopez, a friend of Cox, is the seller of the recordings, with each tape estimated to sell for between 60,000 ($93,340) and 80,000 pounds.

"Lopez bought the tapes when Cox was clearly hurting for cash and sold them out of the back of his battered VW," said a spokesman for the auction house on Monday.

The spokesman added that one of the bidders at the sale is expected to be Ono, who is also featured on the previously unheard recording. Last May, two other similar Lennon tape recordings fetched 134,000 pounds at a Christie's auction.

Lennon's "Magic Eye" swimming pool mosaic from when he lived at Kenwood in Surrey will also to go under the hammer and is expected to sell for between 150,000 and 250,000 pounds. Designed by Lennon, the two-ton mosaic comprises 17,000 tiles and was the biggest artistic project the musician was involved with during his career.

Another eye-catching lot is the world's first-ever Phantom Vox organ guitar -- an instrument that looks like a guitar but makes an organ sound -- which was given to Lennon and Paul McCartney in 1964. Owned by Beatles roadie Mal Evans and now in the possession of the roadie's widow Lil, the instrument is likely to fetch between 130,000 and 140,000 pounds.

Other lots include Lennon's drugs box, drawings by the musician, a Christmas card drawn by his son Sean and sent days before he was killed by Mark Chapman in 1980, as well as rare Beatles autographs.

John Lennon




An undated hand out photograph of a butterfly brooch in sapphires, fire opals, rubies, amethysts, green garnets, and black diamonds; silver and gold, which forms part of the Jewels of Jar exhibition celebrating 25 years of the work of American born jeweller Joel Arthur Rosenthal more widely known as JAR. The Christie's sponsored exhibition contains 400 hundred pieces and opens to the public on November 2 at the Gilbert Collection, Somerset House in London.


American Music Awards

'The Osbournes'

The censors may have to stay on their toes when Ozzy Osbourne and his family host the 30th annual American Music Awards.

The three-hour special is scheduled to air live on ABC, starting at 8 p.m. EST Jan. 13.

"I can't wait to see what Ozzy and the rest of the family have in store for us, and I know the ABC-TV censor is already having dreams, or should I say nightmares, about their live ad-libs," executive producer Dick Clark said Monday.

The American Music Awards are given based on votes from the public in 21 categories, including favorite male and female artist, favorite soundtrack and Internet artist of the year.

'The Osbournes'


Kuwait Says Closure Final


Kuwait said on Monday its decision to shut down the local office of the Qatar-based Arabic satellite television channel al-Jazeera was final, but the move would have no impact on ties with Doha.

"There is no going back on this decision" to close Jazeera, said influential Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah. "The decision is not against our brothers in Qatar, Jazeera represents itself.

Jazeera is one of the most popular TV channels in the Arab world, but many Kuwaitis say its reports are biased toward Iraq, which invaded Kuwait in 1990 and occupied it for seven months.

For the Kuwaiti authorities, the last straw appears to have been the way Jazeera reported Kuwait's closure of about one-third of the country for U.S.-led military exercises near the border with Iraq.

"Sometimes Jazeera is more insulting to Arabs and Muslims than Fox TV," said a Gulf official whose neighboring country supports a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) recommendation to sever ties with Jazeera.



Would've Defended Martha

Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell says that if she still had her talk show, she would use it as a forum to defend Martha Stewart.

"I'd be singing Martha Stewart a love song every day. I want every housewife in America to band together and refuse to let them tear down one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in our country's history," she says.

O'Donnell's next endeavor is producing the musical "Taboo" on Broadway. The show is about the life of Boy George.

Rosie O'Donnell


BartCop TV!



Donny Hathaway Fan

Justin Timberlake

Justin Says He's No Jackson Copycat

Justin Timberlake says Michael Jackson has been a big influence on his sound, but not the only one.

Timberlake, the 'N Sync star whose debut solo album, "Justified," is due Tuesday, has been tagged with imitating Jackson because of a few wardrobe choices and big appearances with the King of Pop.

"I've used a lot of different sounds than just Michael," Timberlake told Newsday. "I think there's some Eagles in the harmonies and a lot more Stevie Wonder.

"I'm also a big fan of Donny Hathaway," he added, referring to the 1970s musician. "I think it's shocking to people that I even know who Donny Hathaway is."

Justin Timberlake


Sydney, Australia

Tamarama Beach

A girl sunbathes next to a statue of a naked man made from sand that is part of the annual Sculptures by the Sea exhibition at Sydney's Tamarama Beach October 30, 2002. The exhibition, now in it's sixth year, is situated along the coastal walk between Bondi and Tamarama beaches and features over 100 works by Australian and international artists.
Photo by David Gray


Kelsey Grammer's Production Company


"Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer's production company, doing well with the UPN comedy "Girlfriends," is developing a "Three's Company"-style sitcom for Fox.

Dubbed "Ex-Factor," the show is about a twentysomething man who moves in with two of his ex-girlfriends. Feature scribes Adam Epstein and Andrew Jacobson ("Not Another Teen Movie")Epstein and Jacobson will write the pilot and serve as producers on the project, along with Grammer via his Paramount-based Grammnet Prods.

The project is targeted for fall 2003.



New NBC 'Reality' Show

'Significant Others'

NBC is looking to the comedy of couples therapy for its next alternative project.

The network is developing "Significant Others" -- an unscripted comedy that features improv actors posing as couples in therapy -- with an eye toward a summer 2003 debut.

"Every year I like to use my 'alternative' title to do something really, well, alternative," Jeff Gaspin, NBC's executive VP of alternative series, specials, longform and program strategy, told Daily Variety. "Last year we did the 'Rerun Show,' and this year we're doing 'Significant Others."'

'Significant Others'


In Memory

Lonnie Donegan

"King of Skiffle" Lonnie Donegan, once a big influence on The Beatles, has died at the age of 71 after collapsing on tour, his publicist said on Monday.

Donegan changed the face of British popular music, launching the skiffle boom of the 1950s with hits that ranged from "Rock Island Line" through "Cumberland Gap" to "My Old Man's a Dustman."

The singer, who had suffered several heart attacks and was complaining of back trouble, died on Sunday with his third wife Sharon and son Peter at his side in the central English town of Peterborough.

He was halfway through a British tour and had already been forced to cancel two shows because of ill health.

Donegan was hailed as the voice of skiffle, a gritty blend of folk, jazz, gospel and blues, which the Beatles acknowledged as a major influence.

Eric Clapton had invited Donegan to perform at a tribute concert later this month for former Beatle George Harrison. John Lennon was playing in a skiffle band, the Quarrymen, when he first met Paul McCartney.

Donegan, whose fans ranged from Mark Knopfler to Van Morrison, shot to fame on both sides of the Atlantic with the release in 1956 of the Leadbelly song "Rock Island Line."

It was very rare for British singers to break into the U.S charts back then. He went on a 40-city tour and appeared on the Perry Como TV show, co-starring with Ronald Reagan.

For six years, every single he released was a hit -- from "Pick a Bale of Cotton" to "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose its Flavor?"

His success spawned a musical craze -- by 1956, London alone had almost 1,000 skiffle groups.

Donegan, who played both banjo and guitar, was the first artist to win a gold record with a debut release. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the biggest hit-makers of all time.

As skiffle's popularity waned, Donegan took to the cabaret circuit, starring in Las Vegas, Hollywood and New York.

His career was given a belated boost by a new generation of admirers with the release in 1978 of a tribute album -- "Putting on the Style" -- with Elton John, Brian May and Ringo Starr as his superstar backing band.

In 1997, he was given a lifetime achievement award at the prestigious Ivor Novello Awards.

A spokesman for the singer, reflecting on his legacy, said: "Lonnie Donegan was a legend -- he changed the face of British popular music. In a career that covered over 50 years, he inspired nearly every major musician alive today."

Lonnie Donegan


In Memory

Jonathan Harris

Actor Jonathan Harris, left, who portrayed Dr. Zachary Smith and co-star Bill Mumy, who portrayed Will Robinson, are shown in this Oct. 5, 1966, handout photo, in a scene from the 1960s sci-fi show, 'Lost in Space.' Harris died Sunday, Nov. 3, 2002, from a blood clot in his heart while receiving therapy at a hospital in the Encino area of Los Angeles, for a chronic back problem, family spokesman Kevin J. Burns said Monday. He was 87.


'The Osbournes'

Freshly updated - 'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3

'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2

'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1



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