Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 17 June, 2003


17 June, 2003

big hammer - bigger hammer

(Updated Daily)


Issue #59

Disinfotainment Today

By Michael Dare

"All the news that doesn't assume you're an idiot"
Issue #59
is brought to you by
Rewriting the past
to suit the present
Hello Mullah, Hello Fatwah
A London paper got a letter from Saddam, but you don't have to read it. It goes something like this. Trust me.
(To the tune of Amilcare Ponchielli's "Dance Of The Hours" by way of Allan Sherman)
Hello Mullah
Hello Fatwah
I still haven't
Gotten caughtwa
From the country
I am bolting
Now it's time for all of you to start revolting
I am wearing
Silk pajama
On the beach here
With Osama
Frozen Mai Tai
With umbrella
Send the bill to Mr. Bush who's quite a fella
Take me back
Oh Baathist party
Take me back
Don't be a smarty
I'll be nice
And I do swear that from
your livers
I won't take a slice
Take me back
My dear Iraqi
Take me back
Don't act so cocky
You've been took
Without the statues
How will you remember how I look?
Dearest Mullah
Darling Fatwah
How much misery
Have you gotwa?
Let me come home
If you miss me
I will even let a bunch of Shi'ites diss me
Wait a minute
Sons are calling
Lots of torture
Hear that bawling
Billion dollars
Gee that's better
Mullah Fatwah kindly disregard this letter
''Weapons of Mass Destruction'' Discovered in Iraq

Baghdad boy band signed by William Morris.
Two Definitions
Several issues ago, I asked If the definition of Semites includes "Hebrews and Arabs," why is the definition of anti-Semitism just "hostility toward or discrimination against Jews" instead of all Semites?
It took a month but here's the official answer from Merriam-Webster itself...
The definitions are not contradictory, in that they, like all the definitions in all our dictionaries, accurately reflect the ways in which words are used and understood in English. Whatever logic may seem to say about what "anti-Semite" should mean, there is no question that its actual meaning is restricted in the way shown in the dictionary.
"Anti-Semitic" and related words like "anti-Semitism" have a complex history. Our chief etymologist, James Rader, once addressed this question in some detail in response to an e-mail query, and I'm including a copy of his comments as a matter of interest.
Though not indicated in our dictionary, English <anti-Semitism>, <anti-Semite>, <anti-Semitic>, etc., as well as corresponding terms in other European languages (French <anti-semitisme>, Russian <antisemitizm>, etc.), are all borrowings from German <Antisemitismus>, <Antisemit>, and <antisemitisch>, which first became widely current in Germany in the fall of 1879.
To understand how this word arose, we have to look more generally at the history of prejudice against Jews in western Europe. Up until the late 18th century anti-Jewish feeling was grounded mainly on perceptions of Jews as an unconvertible religious minority, the only non-Christians in a monochromatically Christian society. A number of developments led to fundamental changes in this view.  The German historian A.L. Schlozer and the Biblical scholar J.G. Eichhorn began to use <Semit>, "Semite," and <semitisch>, "Semitic," based on Biblical references to the progeny of Shem, as precise terms defining Semites as a group of ancient and modern peoples, and <Semitic> as a family of languages that included Hebrew and Arabic. Later scholars opposed to the Semites the Aryans (German <Arier>) who were supposed to be the ancestors of the Indo-European-speaking peoples of Europe. The Jews came to be regarded as descendants of one branch of the Semites, and hence a people or nation rather than a religious minority. It was typical of 19th-century Romantic conceptualizations of world history to attribute a <Geist>, or intellectual and cultural essence, to every nation. Not surprisingly, the pre-modern stereotype of the Jew as a usurer preoccupied with financial gain was assigned to Jews as a national characteristic. Jewishness as perceived by non- Jews in western Europe was defined in a completely secular way, and early socialists, in particular Karl Marx--himself of Jewish heritage--identified Jewry with the rise of capitalism. The culmination of this reevaluation was the notion that someone born of Jewish parents was by definition a Jew, in other words, that Jews constituted not just a nation but a physical race.
It was in this context in the 1870's in Germany that <Semit>, <Semitismus>, and <Semitentum> began to be used as euphemistic catchwords more or less synonymous with <Jude>, "Jew," and <Judentum>, "Jewry" or "Jewishness," as a fashionable if inexact way to characterize Jews as a supposed ethnic and racial group. Of course, in the discourse of politicians and publicists within German society <ein Semit> was unambiguously <ein Jude>, as Arabs and other Semitic peoples were not minorities in German society then and so were hardly at issue.
What called forth the term <Antisemitismus> was a fairly specific set of historical circumstances. With the abolishment of all anti- Jewish legal restrictions in Prussia in 1869, Jews became increasingly prominent in civil society and the target of conservative hostility, as the putative prime exponents of everything considered "modern." This hostility became more focused after the financial crash of 1873 and the general decline of German liberalism in the early years of the Second Reich. The actual first appearance of <antisemitisch> and <Antisemit> is datable to Sept., 1879, when the Berlin publicist Wilhelm Marr announced a new weekly newspaper with overtly anti-Jewish tendencies. Marr has been credited with coining the terms, but in his own writing he used only <antijdisch>, "anti-Jewish," until 1880; <antisemitisch> actually first appears in a Jewish newspaper commenting on the advertisements for Marr's weekly. In any event, <antisemitisch> and <Antisemit> gained rapid currency in the ensuing months. Of course, <Antisemitismus> was not a term of opprobrium for those German conservatives who wanted to roll back Jewish emancipation, but simply defined a cultural and political movement.
The word was quickly picked up by British and French journalists writing about Germany and extended more generally to anti-Jewish ideology. The perception of <anti-Semitism> as a word denoting something by its very nature reprehensible really only dates from the 20th century. In English, at least, <anti-Semitism> works better than <anti-Judaism>, which seems to imply mere hostility towards a religion.
Curiously, in 1935 the Reichspropagandaministerium of the National Socialists--who put into practice anti-Jewish measures surpassing even the wildest dreams of German conservatives in 1879--attempted to officially phase out <antisemitisch> in favor of <antijdisch>. External political considerations may have provided some of the motivation for this shift: the foreign policy planners of the Third Reich must have realized that the Arabs of North Africa and the Middle East, chafing under French and British rule, could have been potential allies of Germany in the event of conflict with France and Britain. The continued use of a policy label that seemed to imply hostility toward all Semitic peoples would not have won the Arabs' favor.
I hope you find this helpful, and thank you for writing.
James Kossuth
Assistant Editor
Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Calling all Gullible Idiots
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Tex.), Rep. Joe Barton (Tex.), Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (La.) and Sen. Richard C. Shelby (Ala.) steadfastly deny a connection between $56,500 in campaign donations last year from executives of a Kansas-based energy company and the involvement of the four Republican lawmakers in legislation of interest to that company.
Under-Reported Story of the Week
Did you hear about that plane that crashed in the Jewish Fairfax district of Los Angeles? Probably not. After the Department of Homeland Security declared it was "Not a Terrorist Attack," the media basically ignored it as just another accidental mishap. Nobody mentioned the possibility it might be a Remote Control QU-22 Bomb.
Fun Internet Doohickey of the Week
Step one: Select your salary. Step two: Select a person to compare your tax savings with. Step three: Click on the elephant. Voila! A visual chart showing what Bush has saved YOU in taxes compared to what he saved, oh, let's say the CEO of HP, who recently laid off 5,000 workers, in taxes.
The War Against Humanity
Israel demolished the home of this disabled Palestinian
I Feel So Much Safer Now
Bush has found incontrovertible proof of Iraqi acquisition of weapons of mass destruction.
Thanks to Bush's tax cuts cause, we're going to see huge budget deficits that will weaken the economy and send us back to the high levels of concentrated poverty we saw in 1990.
General Tommy Franks has quit the army to pursue solo bombing projects.
The White House silenced experts who questioned Iraq intelligence info six months  before the invasion.
There are Mexicans in solidarity with the Palestinians who consider Osama bin Laden the Pancho Villa of Islam.
Big Surprise
The DEA is using the RAVE Act to stop political events.
Calling All Plagiarists
Poll from Hell
40% of Americans don't even know that no WMDs have been found in Iraq.
Dust Off Your Bong
Yep, Hempfest 2003 is coming
Don't Take My Word For It
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
- Jack London -
"Your own practice can show you the truth. Your own experience is all that counts."
- Bhante Henepola Gunaratana: Mindfulness in Plain English -
"If you detach yourself from identification with the body and remain relaxed in and as Consciousness, you will, this very moment, be happy, at peace, free from bondage."
- Ashtavakra Gita -
"It's kind of contradictory for them. You bomb them and three roads over you're fixing the school."
- Carleigh McCrory: US Army Reserves, on the Iraqis -
"Integrity has no need of rules."
- Albert Camus -
"There is no more important struggle for American democracy than ensuring a diverse, independent and free media. Free Press is at the heart of that struggle."
- Bill Moyers -
"...the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."
- William Butler Yeats: The Second Coming -
"What most people call freedoms - such as speech, assembly or religion - are not granted by the state, but by nature."
"Having killed anger you sleep in ease.
Having killed anger you do not grieve.
The noble ones praise the slaying of anger
with its honeyed crest & poison root
for having killed it you do not grieve."
- Buddha: Samyutta Nikaya II, 70 -
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
-Mario Savio: Sproul Hall Steps, University of California, Berkeley, December 3, 1964 -
"Bill ran after me, tackled me, threw me to the floor of the kitchen in the mansion and cocked his fist back to punch me. You grabbed his arm and, yelling at him to stop and get control of himself, pulled him off me. Then you walked me around the grounds of the mansion in the minutes after, with your arm around me, saying, 'He only does that to people he loves.'"
"From high over Iraq yesterday, President George Bush cast his Olympian eye over ancient Mesopotamia after praising the Americans in Qatar who had 'managed' the war against Saddam Hussein. But far below him, on a dirty street corner in a dirty town called Fallujah that Mr. Bush would prefer not to hear about, was a story of American blood and American power and American boots smashing down the front gates of Iraqi homes."
"Friends, foreigners are like Jews told by caring Baptists that their faith is worth less than an option on a Sally Struther's sitcom - they have absolutely no gratitude! We made the effort to go over to the Iraqis' dreadful country to kill their check-stop flaunting tykes and lower their museum admission prices. And how do they respond? They whine (in that wildly oscillating 'I'm praying in my pajamas' yelping of theirs) about all the looting and lawlessness! Gracious me, it's not as if we didn't warn them! President Bush specifically promised that he would make their country a little more like America. Just because he wasn't more specific and mentioned that it was Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdicts he had in mind is hardly his fault."
For those blind readers of Disinfotainment Today, here's an MP3 of the administration lies about WMDs.
Belated Christmas Gift of the Week
You can protect yourself and your loved ones from implanted biochips
powered by bodily fluids that are capable of transmitting voice signals,
high voltage pulses, and emitting a small tracking beacon signal.

Mr. Conspiracy Says...
You know all those wackos locked up in asylums claiming the reason they act crazy is because the government put implants in their bodies that tell them what to do through remote mind control technology? They're not so crazy.
Make it easier for the Bush Administration to round up dissidents like yourself by letting them know you think they should be investigated for manipulating evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in the months leading up to the preemptive attack.
If you live in Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, or West Virginia, you can reserve your space in a Federal relocation camp by letting the Senate Commerce Committee know you're against the FCC letting giant media companies get even bigger.
Who knows how many US Government lists you'll end up on if you join the international boycott of South Dakota for their heartless destruction of indiginous Indian burial grounds.
While you're at it, get yourself on some international lists by signing a petition to end the political crackdown in Myanmar.
Internet Porn of the Week
Don't Tell Your Kids
Oakland high school students are getting their principal fired because he's an asshole.
Cartoon of the Week
Everything Else
Mandatory reading: All hail to the pods by Al Kennedy because "only a pod person would stand up in public and claim that, because something can't be found, it must be there."
If you didn't get a Father's Day card on Sunday, that's okay, you can look at this one.
Pledge allegiance to outer space. (And while you're at it, get some incredible stickers, t-shirts, and mugs)
The U.S. Navy's Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar system is a new technology that blasts ocean habitats with noise so intense it can maim, deafen, and even kill marine mammals.
In New Mexico, three state prisoners face the electric chair, accused of killing a guard in an August 1999 riot that also left an inmate dead. Can a book save their lives?
Next time you think you're all alone, check out this humungous list of anti-Bush links.
Pissed off that your site hasn't won any awards. Just go here, download any icon, post it to your site and, voila, you're an award winner.
Contact George W. Bush -
Contact Saddam Hussein - (might be full)
Contact Kim Jong Il -
Contact Jacques Chirac -
Contact the Pope -
Embassy of France in the US: 202-944-6000
German Embassy in the US: 202-298-4000
Embassy of the Russian Federation: 202-298-5700
Embassy of the People's Republic of China: 202-328-2500
Embassy of Belgium in the US: 202-625-5801
White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414
Contact your Senator -
Contact your Representative -
House and Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Links to Central Government Agencies -
Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are here.
Go to hell.
Dr. Hollywood archives are here.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's fair use.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form.
It is made entirely by slave labor.
Unless you think I deserve to get paid.


'TBH Politoons'

Click Here!

Thanks, again, Tim!


Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD






from Mark

'The Third Trailer

Click Here!


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Not much overcast - the weather is starting to heat up.

Watched most of the Gregory Peck service on KCAL - half of the Viacom/CBS duopoly in LA. What a crappy job they did! There was an obvious hum in the audio to the point that entire sections were like listening to static over loud bees. I've known audio people at both KCAL & KCBS, but, what the fuck happened? Cut backs in consolidating to the point they got rid of people who could actually do something? It reeked of amateurism.

And, Roger Mahony, as Cardinal, should certainly be able to afford a better writer.

On the late news, it was reported Michael Jackson, wearing a red turban & red jacket, showed up 20 minutes late, and then strolled to the front of the church.

Tonight, Tuesday, CBS begins the evening with a RERUN 'JAG', followed by a RERUN 'The Guardian', then a RERUN 'Judging Amy'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Rob Reiner and the New Pornographers.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers are Laila Ali, Kathy Ireland, and Ian Bagg.

NBC opens the night with a FRESH 'Dog Eat Dog', followed by a FRESH 'Last Comic Standing', then 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jay are Drew Barrymore, Eric Bana, and Justin Guarini.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Magic Johnson, Tom Green, and Jim Gaffigan.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Newt Gingrich and Longwave.

ABC starts the night with a RERUN '8 Simple Rules', followed by another RERUN '8 Simple Rules', then a RERUN 'Jim', followed by a RERUN 'Less Than Perfect', then a RERUN 'NYPD Blue'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Mr. T and Kings of Leon, with this week's guest co-host Perry Farrell.

The WB offers a RERUN 'Gilmore Girls', followed by a RERUN 'Smallville'.

Faux has a FRESH 'American Juniors', followed by a FRESH 'Keen Eddie'.

UPN has a RERUN 'Buffy', followed by a FRESH 'America's Next Top Model'.

A&E has 'Biography' (Jeffrey Dahmer), followed by 'Cold Case Files'.

AMC offers the movie 'Midway', followed by the movie 'Platoon', and then the movie 'Casualties Of War'.

BBC 'Ground Force' - Peterborough (7pm), 'Changing Rooms' - West Norwood (7:30pm), 'Changing Rooms' - Doncaster (8pm), 'Changing Rooms' - Camberwell (8:30pm), 'Ground Force' - Stamford (9pm), 'Ground Force' - Nantwich (9:30pm), 'The Office' - Episode 2 (10pm), 'The Office' - Episode 3 (10:40pm), and 'The Office' - Episode 4 (11:20pm).    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo offers the movie 'Good Will Hunting', followed by the movie 'Good Will Hunting'.

Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Lewis Lapham.

History has 'Deep Sea Detectives', followed by 'Mouthpiece: Voice', and then 'The XY Factor'.

MTV offers a FRESH 'The Osbournes'.

SciFi has 'The Secret KGB UFO Files', followed by 'The UFO Chronicles', and then 'UFOs: 50 Years Of Denial'.

TCM offers the movie 'Dive bomber', followed by the movie 'The McKenzie Break', and then the classic movie 'Elmer Gantry'.

Anyone have any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., shares a laugh with David Letterman during the taping of 'The Late Show with David Letterman,' Monday, June 16, 2003, in New York.
Photo by J.P. Filo


The Information One-Stop

Moose & Squirrel

Moose & Squirrel Information One-Stop


Concert for a Landmine Free World

Emmylou Harris

Edinburgh, Scotland, is eagerly waiting for Emmylou Harris to arrive later this summer, topping the bill at a charity concert to raise awareness of the global problem of landmines. Other artists on the bill will include Joan Baez, Billy Bragg, Steve Earle and Pretenders' frontwoman Chrissie Hynde.

The Edinburgh Evening News reports the Concert for a Landmine Free World will be held during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and is expected to be sold out.

Harris claims not putting any more landmines in the ground isn't enough, because basic courtesy insists "you clean up after your mess when you are through."

Emmylou Harris


BBC Opinion Poll

The World

A majority of people around the world view U.S. President George W. Bush unfavourably and think the United States was wrong to invade Iraq, according to a BBC poll.

The poll, which surveyed more than 11,000 people in 11 countries, showed 57 percent of those asked had "a very unfavourable or fairly unfavourable attitude towards the American president", the broadcaster said in a statement on Monday.

Some 56 percent felt the United States was wrong to attack Iraq, including 81 percent of Russian respondents and 63 percent of those polled in France.

In five of the 11 countries polled, a majority of respondents believed the United States was more dangerous than Iran, named by Bush as part of an "axis of evil" with Iraq and North Korea.

And in eight of the 11, respondents said the United States was more dangerous than Syria, a country which Washington accuses of sponsoring terrorism.

However, attitudes towards America, rather than the Bush administration, were slightly more positive.

The survey, conducted in May and June by the BBC and pollsters around the world, covered Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, South Korea, Russia and the United States.

The World


Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, center, and Andile Gaelesiwe listen to a group member of young leaders from South Africa at his office in Harlem, New York, Monday June 16, 2003. The group of ten, including Gaelesiwe, are the 2003 Clinton Democracy Fellows, a one year fellowship for South Africans to meet with American private and public leaders and 'share strategies for building democracy,' according to a statement.
Photo by Bebeto Matthews


Ireland Turns Back the Clock


Ireland's capital turned back the clock almost 100 years Monday as enthusiasts of author James Joyce donned Edwardian garb and downed kidney breakfasts to celebrate "Bloomsday."

Throughout a city that is a lot smarter and more prosperous than in Joyce's time, fans and would-be readers of his hefty novel "Ulysses" took time to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the day in 1904 when the main character, Jewish ad salesman Leopold Bloom, braved the perils of early 20th-century Dublin.

On the street outside the center in north Dublin, stilt walkers circumnavigated the crowds and costumed actors read from the book while hundreds feasted on breakfasts including fried kidneys -- the main dish Bloom cooks for himself and almost burns in the opening chapters.

Some in the crowd stuck to coffee and tea but others downed pints of what Joyce called "foaming ebon ale," courtesy of Guinness, makers of Ireland's traditional bitter black stout.

The day has become an occasion for revelry and street theater in Dublin, where thousands of people tour the pubs Bloom visited on his wanderings.

For more, 'Bloomsday'


Forms Copyrights Caucus

Mary Bono

Rep. Mary Bono, who is forming a new congressional caucus on piracy and copyright issues, also wants to run the music industry's lobbying organization in Washington, a spokeswoman said Monday.

Replacing the departing chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America would be her "ideal job," spokeswoman Cindy Hartley said. She added that Bono, R-Calif., isn't actively pursuing the job and plans to run for re-election.

Political watchdog groups in Washington questioned the idea of someone being a possible job candidate for the music industry's lobby and also a founding member of a caucus focused on some of the industry's most important policy concerns.

"It certainly raises eyebrows," said Steven Weiss of the Center for Responsive Politics. "Angering the RIAA is certainly not going to advance her job prospects, so one must wonder whether her views on this issue are motivated more by personal beliefs or her future career."

Bono's financial disclosure forms, released Monday, show that she and her dependent children own copyrights on Sonny Bono's music collections worth between $580,000 and $1.3 million from the RIAA, Warner Music Group and the Bono Collection Trust. They earned royalties in 2002 worth between $210,000 and $1.225 million. Sonny Bono, the congresswoman's husband, died in a skiing accident in January 1998.

Mary Bono


Fox Sitcom

Farrelly Brothers

Filmmakers Peter and Bobby Farrelly, the siblings behind such box office hits as "There's Something About Mary" and "Shallow Hal," are taking their brand of outrageous comedy to the small screen for the first time.

They are developing a Fox project that centers on a telemarketer with limited physical appeal and a dismal love life who hits the jackpot after a script he had written on the side becomes a popular television series. But he remains a Hollywood outsider and can't score with the ladies.

"It's almost like a 'Joe Millionaire' kind of thing, but this new millionaire is just over 5 feet tall and gets rejected by every woman he meets," said Ricky Blitt, who wrote the pilot script with Peter Farrelly. "It's a cross between 'CSI: Miami' and 'Benson."'

The Farrellys will direct the pilot, and will executive produce with Blitt, who called the script "bizarrely autobiographical." Production is expected to begin in the fall.

Farrelly Brothers


In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends



Backpedals From Sex Change Joke


Toto has had to backpedal after making a joke about drummer David Paich's absence this summer. The band posted a message on its Web site saying Paich would miss the summer tour because he would be having a sex change operation.

Guitarist Steve Lukather had said Paich had dreamed of being a woman and they would be introducing "Davida" this fall.

It's all just a joke. The band says the part about Paich being off the tour is true, but not because of an operation. Paich will be staying home because of the serious illness of a family member

Band members say they didn't expect so many people to believe the operation story, especially media outlets. Lukather says he's sorry the joke got out of control and "one look at Dave and you would see it's an impossible story."



Valentina Tereshkova, who became the first woman in space, holds flowers and gifts after a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of her space flight, at the Russian Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City near Moscow, Monday, June 16, 2003. Tereshkova, has said she sometimes felt unwell during her flight but braved sickness, delivering vigorous reports to Mission Control and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
Photo by Misha Japaridze


Newman's Hole Official Charity


The CART Champ Car series is joining Paul Newman in merging two of the actor's favorite off-screen passions — charity work and auto racing.

CART announced over the weekend that it was naming Newman's Hole in the Wall Camps Inc. as the official charity of the racing series.

Flanked by the drivers competing in Sunday's Grand Prix of Monterey, Newman said, "I've always believed the best part of America is its generosity. The real winner here is the kids whose lives are changed forever."


Newman's Hole in the Wall Camps Inc


Loans Art Collection to Two Museums

Cheech Marin

Two museums in West Texas are displaying one of the largest traveling collections of Chicano art, on loan from actor Cheech Marin's collection.

Marin launched two exhibits this weekend: "Chicano Visions: American Painters on the Verge" at the El Paso Museum of Art and "Chicano Now: American Expression" at the Insights El Paso Science Museum.

"It's a source of great pride, hopefully, and everybody can enjoy some world-class art that comes from their own communities," said the 56-year-old, who co-starred with Tommy Chong in the "Cheech and Chong" comedies of the 1970s and '80s.

"Chicano Visions: American Painters on the Verge," will be at the Museum of Art through Sept. 21, while the Insights show continues through Jan. 4.

Cheech Marin


Formerly 'The Vidiot'



National Endowment for the Arts

National Heritage Fellowships

From a Florida designer of diving helmets to four Westerners who write poetry in the Basque language, 16 Americans will share this year's annual awards given by the National Endowment for the Arts to creators in popular and folk traditions.

They will share 11 National Heritage Fellowships worth $20,000 each.

The Basque poets are Jesus Arriada and Johnny Curutchet of the San Francisco area; Martin Goicoechea of Rock Springs, Wyo.; and Jesus Goni of Reno, Nev. They perform regularly for the 60,000 American descendants of Basques. Immigrants from mountainous northern Spain and southern France, the Basques were drawn to the West first by the California Gold Rush and came later as shepherds.

For achievement in the traditional arts field as a whole, Carmencristina Moreno of Fresno, Calif., was singled out to receive the year's Bess Lomax Hawes Award. She is an administrator as well as a singer, composer and teacher.

Nicholas Toth of Tarpon Springs, Fla., carries on a family tradition of designing helmets for divers who harvest natural sponges, a local commercial specialty. His one-piece helmets, made of spun copper have been sought by collectors and museums for their beauty.

Agnes Kenmille, who has spent most of her 87 years on Montana's Flathead Indian Reservation, won the award for her work with beads and the regalia of her people. New York's Rosa Elena Egipciaco carries on a 500-year-old tradition of making mundillo, the weaving of lace from wooden bobbins.

For the other winners, National Heritage Fellowships

National Endowment for the Arts


The famous leaning tower of Pisa is lit up during the traditional 'Luminara di San Ranieri' (Illuminations of St. Ranieri), in Pisa, central Italy, June 16, 2003. For centuries, in order to celebrate ancient Pisa's patron, Ranieri degli Scaccieri, some 70,000 candles have been displayed at sunset inside glasses and then hung up over wooden structures on palaces, bridges and towers along the river Arno.
Photo by Alessia Pierdomenico


Rare Diamonds


Diamond lovers will be able to see eight of the world's rarest gems this summer at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

The rare display opens June 27 and remains on view until Sept. 15 at the museum's Harry Winston Gallery, home of the famed blue Hope Diamond.

Joining the 45.52-carat Hope in the special show will be:

_The Steinmetz Pink, a 59.6 carat pink stone, which was unveiled in Monaco in May and has never before been on public display.

_The 203.04-carat DeBeers Millennium Star, one of the largest diamonds in the world. This gem has never been displayed before in the United States.

_Heart of Eternity, a 27.64 carats vivid blue diamond.

_The Moussaieff Red, at 5.11 carats the world's largest known red diamond.

For the rest, Smithsonian

National Museum of Natural History



Rove Beetles

A 13-year-old Indian boy has begun producing winged beetles in his urine after hatching the eggs in his body, a senior medical official says.

Doctor Chittaranjan Maity, Medical Education Director of West Bengal state where the boy is from, said doctors found the beetles while examining him for pain in the groin area.

"Doctors were really surprised to see the beetles," he told Reuters on Monday. "There are eggs of the beetle in a fistula in his body and he is getting medical treatment to try to kill the eggs," Maity said.

The beetles - more than half a centimetre in length -- belong to the Staphylinidae rove beetle family of insects. Most types are predators but some feed on fungi, algae and decaying plant matter.

Rove Beetles


In Memory

Hume Cronyn

Hume Cronyn, a veteran stage and screen actor who charmed audiences with his portrayals of irascible old men and frequently paired up with his wife, Jessica Tandy, has died of cancer. He was 91.

Cronyn died of prostate cancer Sunday at his home in Fairfield, Conn., a family spokeswoman said Monday. He and Tandy were married for nearly 52 years at the time of her death from ovarian cancer in September 1994.

The couple were honored at the 1994 Tony Awards with the first-ever Special Lifetime Achievement Award.

Cronyn, known to modern audiences for his roles in the 1980s "Cocoon" movies, was a seasoned stage actor, making his theater debut in 1931 as a paperboy in "Up Pops the Devil."

He was known for his versatility as an actor, playing a wide variety of characters on stage, including a janitor in "Hippers' Holiday," in his Broadway debut in 1934; the gangster Elkus in "There's Always a Breeze," 1938; and Andrei Prozoroff, the brother in Chekov's "Three Sisters," 1939.

He made his film debut in 1943 as the detective story addict Herbie Hawkins in Alfred Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt."

He was nominated for an Academy Award as best supporting actor for his performance in "The Seventh Cross" in 1944.

Cronyn, who often found himself playing curmudgeons, joked about his crusty image in a 1987 interview with the New York Post.

"I don't mind playing absolute bastards — some of the best parts I've had have been heavies. I just don't want to play the grouch," he said.

On the set, Cronyn was known for being something of a perfectionist.

"I do a lot of planning and plotting. That's my greatest weakness," he said in a 1984 interview. "If I'm not terribly careful, I'll plan to a point where it could come out cut and dried."

Cronyn was born in London, Ontario, one of five children of Hume Blake, a prominent Canadian financier and political figure.

He studied law for two years at McGill University in Montreal, but gave up a legal career for the theater.

At McGill, Cronyn was an amateur boxer; he was nominated for the Canadian Olympic boxing team in 1932.

Cronyn spent a summer studying under Max Reinhardt, a famous Austrian drama teacher and theatrical producer. From 1932 to '34, he attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City.

Tandy and Cronyn had three children, Christopher, born in 1943; Tandy, born in 1945; and Susan Hawkins, Tandy's daughter by a previous marriage.

Hume Cronyn


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