BartCop Entertainment Archives - Sunday, 26 February, 2017


26 February, 2017

(Updated Daily)

[23 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Marc Dion: I'm an Enemy of the People (Creators Syndicate)
Most recently, the president of our great nation has decided that me, and people like me, are enemies of the people. I've never been called that before, but I've read enough history to know that "enemies of the people' is what it says on the exit sign for the concentration camp, the re-education camp, the killing fields and the interrogation room.

Michael Calderone: Trump White House Bars News Organizations From Press Briefing (Huffington Post)
"Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties," said New York Times editor Dean Baquet.

Froma Harrop: Trump Has Media Crying ... All the Way to the Bank (Creators Syndicate)
Donald Trump's tweet about the media's being "the enemy of the American people" was a classic distraction - in this case, from questions swirling around his team's troubling ties with our Russian adversaries. While the FBI, CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee investigate, a few thoughts on how news sources under Trumpian attack should respond.

Lenore Skenazy: Take 911 off Speed Dial (Creators Syndicate)
In stories parents relay to me about their coming out of Walgreens only to find someone dialing 911 and screaming at them for "abandoning" their children, the screamers don't seem to recognize that they had been watching the children. They had ensured no kidnapping occurred (an extremely unlikely crime anyway). They could have hung out for a few minutes, making sure the parents returned, and then said something like, "Hi! Just watching to make sure you got back soon. Your kids are so cute. Have a great day."

Kathleen Kerridge: "A veg (or five) too far: why 10 portions a day is way too much to ask" (The Guardian)
In an ideal world, doubling our fruit and vegetable intake is a good idea. But in austerity Britain, it would be impossible to afford all that, let alone cook it.

Sarah Boseley: Forget five a day, eat 10 portions of fruit and veg to cut risk of early death (The Guardian)
Scientists say even just 2.5 portions daily can lower chance of heart disease, stroke, cancer and premature death.

Paula Cocozza: The five-a-day disaster: why the numbers don't add up (The Guardian)
We all know the five-a-day mantra but we have no idea what counts as a portion. Are the supermarkets co-opting the message to flog us processed, calorie-packed fruit and veg?

Froma Harrop: The LA Movie That Should Have Won Best Picture (Creators Syndicate)
My candidate lost, and yes, I still can't get over it. I speak of the 1997 movie "L.A. Confidential." A riff on the creepy film-noir movies of the 1950s, its dark brilliance lay clouded in the bloated shadow of "Titanic."

Hadley Freeman: Celebrities getting political at the Oscars? Give them an award (The Guardian)
There is something pretty hilarious about people saying celebrities shouldn't talk about politics, when a celebrity is currently the president of the United States.

Clive James: 'The Eagles were exposed as a line-up of relentless bores' (The Guardian)
When they sang, they were magic, but when they talk now, they are nerve gas.

David Bruce's Amazon Author Page

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Trivia Question of the Day

Which US state's official nickname is 'The Ocean State'?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

On the album "Pearl", what brand of automobile did Janis Joplin request the Lord buy for her?

       Mercedes Benz                                                      Source

"Mercedes Benz" is an a cappella song written by singer Janis Joplin with the poets Michael McClure and Bob Neuwirth, and originally recorded by Joplin. In the song, the singer asks the Lord to buy her a Mercedes-Benz, a color TV, and a "night on the town." There is also a reference to Dialing for Dollars, a franchised format local television program, which required one to be watching the show to win when the show called your phone number, hence the singer's need for a color TV.

The song is considered to be a rejection of consumerism.        Source

Randall was first and correct with:

Alan J answered:
   Mercedes Benz.

Mark. wrote:
   As I recall things Janis's friends all had Porsches, but Janis prayed for a Mercedes Benz.

David of Moon Valley said:
   ....a mercedes benz
  my friends all drive porsches
  i must make amends...

mj replied:
   Because her friends all had Porsches
  And she must make amends, she wanted the Lord to by her a Mer-SAY-deez Benz.

Stephen F responded:
   Mercedes Benz

Jim from CA, retired to ID, wrote:
   Mercedes Benz

Deborah said:
  "Oh Lord, won't you buy me
  A Mercedes Benz.
  My friends all drive Porsches
  And I must make amends.
  I've worked hard all my lifetime
  No help from my friends.
  So Lord, won't you buy me
  A Mercedes Benz."

  You want the rest of the song? We used to sing it as a lullaby to our kids. Plus we love Janis Joplin.

  It's sunny and dry AGAIN. I'm in a good mood. What the hell, here's the rest:

  "Oh Lord, won't you buy me
  A color TV.
  Dialing for Dollars is trying to call me.
  I wait for delivery each day
  Until three.
  Oh Lord, won't you buy me
  A color TV."

  "Oh Lord, won't you buy me
  A night on the town.
  I'm counting on you, Lord,
  Please don't let me down.
  Prove that you love me,
  And buy the next round.
  Oh Lord, won't you buy me
  A night on the town."

John I from Hawai`i says,
   "Mercedes Benz."

zorch replied:
   A Mercedes Benz

Dave in Tucson responded:
   Oh Lord! Janis wanted a Mercedes Benz. Though she made amends to her Porsche driving friends.

Adam answered:
   Hmmm...A Mercedes Benz?

Michelle wrote:
   A Mercedes-Benz, for to make amends

Billy in Cypress said:
   "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?", or the lament of the T-rump voters who will soon be praying to keep their 20 year old clunkers after the billionaires take all their money, healthcare and future.

Sandra in Maine responded:
   mercedes benz

DanD replied:
   Mercy-B, 'cause everybody else pre-Facebook had Porsches.!
  Janis was my kind of Texas white-trash sweetheart ... literally. She should have steered clear of the Angels though. California killed her.

Kevin K. in Washington, DC took the day off.

DJ Useo took the day off.

Dale of temporarily dry Diamond Springs, Norcali took the day off.

Joe S     took the day off.

MAM     took the day off.

Marian took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  February 26 Birthdays - Celebrities Born February 26 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.




Middle Class Political Economist

Now a Blogger-Columnist at US News and World Reports "Economic Intelligence"



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

'I was naive': after losing healthcare battle, factory workers fear next blow | US news | The Guardian

Obama loves it, Trump called it racist: why Black-ish is TV's most divisive show | Television & radio | The Guardian

'Spirited Away' director Hayao Miyazaki comes out of retirement (again) - SFGate

Bannon's survival. Don't forget the wild cards.

Bill Maher lashes out at the press: Toughen up, stop covering crap, take one for the team

Two people can bring down Trump, Putin is one. Who's the other? Hint, he's married to this woman.

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Resistance FRIDAY!

Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions | The Huffington Post

Oh No, Has Donald Trump Made The White House Correspondents Dinner Unseemly? | The Huffington Post

11 Times The Oscars Honored White Actors For Playing People Of Color | The Huffington Post

Obamacare Rollback Bill Would Replace Subsidies With Tax Credits : Shots - Health News : NPR

Win Your Oscar Pool With Our Blisteringly Accurate Predictions : Monkey See : NPR

Los Angeles Officials To ICE: Stop Identifying Yourselves As Police : The Two-Way : NPR

Best Actress Oscar-Winners Since 2000, Ranked Worst to Best | Rolling Stone

Best Actor Oscar-Winners Since 2000, Ranked Worst to Best | Rolling Stone

Second Best: 25 Greatest Best-Picture Oscar Losers | Rolling Stone

Thanks, Michelle!



Reader Comment

La La Land

How can you or anyone else give a shit about this year's Oscars when La La Land, a decidedly second-rate musical, will clean up? When I wrote my review for my movie reviews followers, the most generous I could be was to give it a 6.5 out of 10:

The critics love La La Land. I thought it was OK. It has one pretty, catchy tune that is repeated several times in the movie guaranteeing that, much like It's a Small World, it will stick in your mind like a fungus. It has winsome leads (Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling). It has a couple of pretty good musical numbers and a fairly simple plot. Some of the cinematography I loved; some of it I hated--the swirling, blurred, dizzy camerawork in a couple of places. I thought it would dazzle me because I love musicals. It didn't. It was OK. I didn't regret seeing it, but it's nothing I will watch over and over. See it if you're interested, but I wouldn't beat the doors down demanding to see it NOW.

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Indie Movie Theaters Nationwide To Protest Donald Trump By Screening '1984' | The Huffington Post

Meet the 16-year-old Canadian girl who took down Milo Yiannopoulos - Vox

Book Steve Bannon is obsessed with The Fourth Turning - Business Insider

The 3 Trump-Russia scandals, explained - Vox

Instead of Russia, Rep. Jason Chaffetz launches investigation of new National Park (seriously) -

French President Hollande Fires Back At Trump Over Paris Comments | The Huffington Post

Fox's Shepard Smith: CNN is not 'fake news' | TheHill

Dan Rather: This is an emergency-and a moment of judgement for everyone who remains silent -

Trump Breaks Faith: Executive order drops protection for families of deployed military -

CPAC invented an alternate history of the alt-right. -

Actually, Betsy DeVos, There Is Such A Thing As A Free Lunch | The Huffington Post

The Radical Crusade of Mike Pence - Rolling Stone

A Global Counter-Trump Movement Is Taking Shape | Common Dreams

Indivisible Guide

The Resistance Calendar



from Marc Perkel

Patriot Act

Patriot Act NSA Spying Unconstitutional Section 215 National Security Letters Must End

My name is Marc Perkel and I have decided to announce that I will not comply with the so called "Patriot Act" laws requiring me to disclose information about my customers. If I receive a national security letter I will immediately photograph it, post it online everywhere I can, and then make a video of me burning it. I will then await my arrest. If you want to put me in jail then come get me mother fucker.

Come Get Me Mother Fucker | Putting and end to NSA government Spying





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD








Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Overcast and cool.

Tonight, Sunday:

CBS starts the night with '60 Minutes', followed by a RERUN 'NCIS: The Expendable One', then another RERUN 'NCIS: The Expendable One'.

NBC opens the night with 'Dateline', followed by the movie 'Neighbors'.

ABC fills the night with LIVE 'The Oscars'.

The CW offers an old 'Person Of Interest', followed by an old 'Elementary', then 2½ hours of what passes for local news and other fluffery.

Faux has a RERUN 'Bob's Burgers', followed by a RERUN 'Son Of Zorn', then a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by another RERUN 'The Simpsons', then a RERUN 'Family Guy', followed by another RERUN 'Family Guy'.

MY recycles an old 'Anger Management', followed by another old 'Anger Management', then an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then still another old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by yet another old 'Big Bang Theory'.

A&E has 'Hoarders', another 'Hoarders', followed by a FRESH 'Hoarders: Overload', and '24 To Life'.

AMC offers 'The Walking Dead', another 'The Walking Dead', followed by a FRESH 'The Walking Dead', then a FRESH 'The Talking Dead'.

BBC  -   

 [7:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 1
 [8:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 2
 [9:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 3
 [10:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 4
 [11:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 5
 [12:01PM]    BLACK HAWK DOWN (2001)
 [6:00PM]    THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (1990)
 [9:00PM]    THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (1990)
 [12:00AM]    BLACK HAWK DOWN (2001)
 [3:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 3
 [4:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 4
 [5:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - Episode 5    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 3 hours of old 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', followed by a FRESH 'Atlanta Social'.

Comedy Central has all old 'South Park' all night.

FX has the movie 'Captain Phillips', followed by the movie 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'.

History has all old 'American Pickers' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6AM - 8:30AM]    Paid Programming
 [7:00PM]    COMMANDO
 [9:00PM]    PUSH
 [11:30PM]    CRANK
 [12:30AM]    PUSH
 [5:00AM]    MARON-The 13th Step
 [5:30AM]    MARON-Marc in Florida    (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [7:00AM]    Foxcatcher
 [10:00AM]    Close Up With The Hollywood Reporter-Songwriters
 [11:00AM]    Hannibal
 [2:00PM]    A Knight's Tale
 [5:00PM]    Titanic
 [9:30PM]    Titanic
 [2:00AM]    A Knight's Tale
 [5:00AM]    Close Up With The Hollywood Reporter-Songwriters    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'The Da Vinci Code', followed by the movie 'Skyfall'.

 [7:15 AM]      Test Pilot (1938)
 [9:30 AM]      That Girl From Paris (1936)
 [11:15 AM]      That Hamilton Woman (1941)
 [1:30 PM]      That Man from Rio (1964)
 [3:45 PM]      Them! (1954)
 [5:30 PM]      They Were Expendable (1945)
 [8:00 PM]      The Thin Man (1934)
 [9:45 PM]      The Third Man (1949)
 [11:45 PM]      Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)
 [2:15 AM]      A Thousand Clowns (1965)
 [4:15 AM]      Thousands Cheer (1943)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday   -  02/27/17

 [6:45 AM]      Three Comrades (1938)
 [8:30 AM]      Three Little Words (1950)
 [10:15 AM]      The Three Musketeers (1948)
 [12:30 PM]      Through A Glass Darkly (1961)
 [2:15 PM]      The Time Machine (1960)
 [4:15 PM]      The Time, The Place And The Girl (1946)
 [6:15 PM]      T-Men (1948)
 [8:00 PM]      To Be or Not to Be (1942)
 [10:00 PM]      To Each His Own (1946)
 [12:15 AM]      Tom Jones (1963)
 [2:30 AM]      Tom, Dick and Harry (1941)
 [4:00 AM]      Too Young to Kiss (1951)
 [5:30 AM]      Top Hat (1935)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson (from May. 28, 1986) - Rosie Greis and Steven Wright.

Bounce TV

Comet TV

Cozi TV

Decades TV Network


Heroes and Icons

Find Justice - Justice Network

Get TV

Grit - Television With Backbone - Grit

Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


MOVIES! TV Network

RTV - The Retro Television Network

the works

This TV

Any opinions?   Marty

Or reviews?   Marty

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Tamara Fietz, wearing a creation called "Live and let live", performs on stage during Las Palmas' Carnival Queen ceremony in Las Palmas, Spanish Canary Island of Gran Canaria, February 24, 2017. Picture taken February 24, 2017.
Photo by Borja Suarez


The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Jabuticaba - The Tree that Fruits on its Trunk ~ Kuriositas


'It's Time To Resist'

UTA Rally

Jodie Foster was among the "United Voices" that spoke up against Donald Trump at UTA's rally outside its Beverly Hills offices on Friday.

According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, more than 1,500 people, including agents, clients, and supporters, gathered in the plaza to protest the Trump administration's policies, including its recent travel restrictions on seven Muslim-majority countries. The agency canceled its annual Academy Awards party in protest of the ban and organized this event in its place.

"This is exactly the way to celebrate our industry and our commitment to humanity on and off screen," Foster said. "I don't do this very often, but this year is a different year, this is a singular time - it's time to show up, time to engage. As the very dead Frederick Douglass once said, 'any time is a good time for illumination.'"

Michael J. Fox talked of how it took about eight years for him to obtain U.S. citizenship, but contrasted that to the experience of so many other immigrants who "are struggling to keep their families alive and keep food in their mouths and disease away from their bodies and they take tremendous risk to get here … And then we say 'No'?"

"It's an assault on human dignity."

UTA Rally


A street vendor selling souvenirs waits for customers during a snow fall in the Aziarco village, Belarus, February 25, 2017.
Photo by Vasily Fedosenko


Druid Awakening: A Dozen Hard Rockin' Modern Stonehenges | Urbanist


Announced Last Night


A documentary criticizing U.S. Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton tied on Saturday with superhero ensemble "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" on a list of the year's worst achievements in film, winning four Razzies apiece.

The annual tongue-in-cheek Razzie awards, which serve as an antidote to Hollywood's Oscars ceremony, named Dinesh D'Souza's "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party" as the worst film of 2016.

D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, was named worst actor for narrating his documentary and worst director alongside Bruce Schooley. Worst actress went to the person who portrayed Clinton in the film.

The Razzies, or Golden Raspberry awards, follow a Hollywood awards season marked by outspoken speeches and protests against the policies and behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump. The season culminates with Sunday's Oscars ceremony.

"Batman v Superman" also won four Razzies, including worst screen combo for "Ben Affleck & His BFF (Baddest Foe Forever) Henry Cavill" and worst "remake, rip-off or sequel."


Razzie Awards 2017 Winners List


Newhead News


Son Detained At Florida Airport

Muhammad Ali

A son of boxing legend Muhammad Ali was held for questioning for two hours at a Florida airport upon returning from Jamaica because of his Arabic-sounding name, US media reported.

Muhammad Ali Jr., 44, who was born in Philadelphia and has a US passport, was traveling with his mother Khalilah Camacho-Ali, the late sports icon's second wife, friend and lawyer Chris Mancini told the Louisville Courier-Journal.

Mancini told the newspaper that both were held for questioning on the Fort Lauderdale International Airport on February 7 because of their Arabic-sounding names.

Camacho-Ali however was released after she showed US Customs agents a photo of herself with her ex-husband.

Ali Jr. however had no such photo -- and according to Mancini was held for nearly two hours and repeatedly asked "Where did you get your name from?" and "Are you Muslim?"

Muhammad Ali


Artist German Vinogradov acts in the performance of the burning of Maslenitsa tower, devoted to Pancake Week, a pagan holiday marking the end of winter, in the village of Nikola-Lenivets, Kaluga region, Russia, February 25, 2017.
Photo by Maxim Shemetov


The Crypt of Civilization | Amusing Planet


Hits NYC Immigration Protests

Judah Friedlander

In the weeks since last month's inauguration, critics of President Trump have turned out by the thousands to protest his policies in cities across the country. Among them is comedian and former "30 Rock" star Judah Friedlander, whose signature trucker hat, messy hair and oversize glasses have become a fixture at recent rallies in New York City.

"I think protesting is one of the most democratic things you can do," Friedlander told Yahoo News following a small Valentine's Day gathering of immigrants' rights supporters in Manhattan's Foley Square.

The front of his trucker hat, a space typically reserved for irreverent slogans like "World Champion," has been covered with a strip of duct tape that reads "#NoBanNoWall." In his hand is Friedlander's rally-going partner in crime: a blond-haired, blue-eyed Barbie doll.

For the past few months, Friedlander has been running the @activistbarbie account on Instagram, where he posts photos of his smiley plastic sidekick waving handmade signs with slogans like "Protesting > Brunching" and "I think Mexican guys and Muslim guys are cute," amid the crowds at protests and rallies around the city.

Friedlander's own history with activism dates back to his early childhood when, at about 5 years old, he recalls going with his mother to protest a neo-Nazi rally. As an adult, he's given his support to a variety of causes over the years, including the comedian-led movement to demand better pay from New York City comedy clubs in 2005.

Judah Friedlander


Digby's Hullabaloo


Majority Of Americans Find Him Dishonest


President Donald Trump's (R-Grifter) first few weeks in office have been off to a rocky start, to say the least: the 45th president of the United States suffered from the lowest incoming approval rating of any president in modern history, saw major blowbacks for several of his executive orders, including a halt on his travel restrictions for seven Muslim-majority nations and, most recently, repealing Thursday former President Barack Obama's protections for trans students nationwide.

As Trump's ratings continue to tumble, it appeared the public's distrust in their new leader has worsened as well. A Quinnipiac poll released Thursday revealed what Americans think about the president's personal qualities, as well as his ability to unite the nation in the wake of an unprecedented and largely divisive 2016 presidential election.

The numbers were not looking too good for Trump: The majority of voters surveyed by Quinnipiac University said the president can only be trusted to do what is right "some of the time" or "hardly ever." Fifty-five percent of Americans said Trump was not honest, while 53 percent said he didn't care about typical American citizens. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed said he wasn't level-headed.

"President Donald Trump's popularity is sinking like a rock," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, said in a statement. "He gets slammed on honesty, empathy, level headedness and the ability to unite. And two of his strong points, leadership and intelligence, are sinking to new lows."



A woman dressed as zombie walks through the city centre during an annual "Zombie Walk" parade in Athens, Greece, February 25, 2017.
Photo by Michalis Karagiannis


When the NSA Feared Psychics Could Make Cities Lost in Time and Space | Atlas Obscura


Already Political


As the March for Science in Washington, D.C., grows, so does its criticism.

This should be expected. Scientists are encouraged to look at even the most widely accepted statistic or finding and question it. So of course, as soon as the march, scheduled for April 22, was announced, people began to critically examine its message, mission and goals.

This critical examination has led to a better, more inclusive diversity statement and a clearer focus for the organizers who have seen their grassroots mission explode on social media.

But other critiques of the march - which asks scientists and those who support science to stand up and say that scientific facts aren't partisan and that science should be considered when enacting policy - haven't been so constructive.

Science is and has always been political Building the atomic bomb? That was a political decision, implemented by scientists. Going to the moon? That too was a political decision that involved scientists at every step of the way. Where NASA goes next will also be a decision born of a mix between science and politics.



Oh, Just an Abandoned Hobbit Castle Built for Sheep


New Directive To Curb Quakes


Oklahoma's oil and gas regulator on Friday issued a wider directive limiting future increases in wastewater disposal underground in another effort to address a rash of temblors that have occurred amid the shale boom.

The guidelines include wells in Oklahoma's Arbuckle formation that previously were required to restrict disposal volumes and some potentially high-volume wells not previously covered.

Those wells were not part of earlier orders because there had not been reports of seismic activity in their area.

In total, the directive will cover 654 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation, the vast majority of which have already had volume restrictions, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) said on Friday.

Oklahoma has experienced a sharp rise in earthquakes in the past few years due to injection of saltwater, a normal byproduct of oil and gas drilling activities, into deep disposal wells. The state has been recording 2.5 earthquakes daily of magnitude 3.0 or greater, a rate 600 times higher than before 2008, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey.



The morning sun shines in bright colors through the mist as the Colonius television tower and Cologne appear as silhouettes in Cologne, Germany, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017.
Photo by Henning Kaiser


Forest of Numbers by Emmanuelle Moureaux «TwistedSifter


Plans July Pot Sales


Nevada still plans to launch recreational marijuana sales in July despite warnings this week of a federal crackdown by the administration of President Donald Trump, state officials said Friday.

Marijuana possession and sales are illegal under federal law, but Nevada voters decided in November to allow people age 21 or older to use pot recreationally - becoming one of eight states to do so.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday that the United States Justice Department will step up enforcement of federal laws prohibiting recreational - not medical - marijuana. No immediate action accompanied the statement, which came in response to a reporter's question.

That has not prompted the Nevada agency tasked with crafting rules governing recreational marijuana sales to change its timeline for ensuring dispensaries can open this summer, said agency spokeswoman Stephanie Klapstein.

"As of now, the Department of Taxation is moving forward with our regulation development as planned," she said.



Pre-Industrial Life: Filthy, Gross And Painful


Dazzling Bronze Age Weapons Unearthed


Excavations during the construction of two soccer fields in Scotland have turned up a rare discovery - a Bronze-Age weapon hoard, including a notched bronze sword and a gold-decorated spearhead.

The weapons, which likely date back to between 1000 B.C. and 800 B.C., were found in a pit alongside a Bronze Age roundhouse. All told, archaeologists discovered the remains of 12 Bronze Age buildings during the dig, as well as a much earlier Stone Age hall that probably dates back to the very beginnings of agriculture in Scotland.

"There was no real indication of the wealth of archaeological remains" before the dig, said Ronan Toolis, the commercial director of GUARD Archaeology Limited, the firm that conducted the excavation.

Gold in the ground GUARD Archaeology was contracted to do the excavations as part of the standard procedure for new construction; in this case, the council of Angus in Scotland was building a pair of soccer fields in the town of Carnoustie. During the pre-construction excavations, archaeologists turned up pits and postholes in the soil. These features are signs of ancient construction.

The glimmering discovery was made late in the day, so the archaeologists cut a 176-pound (80 kilograms) chunk of earth from the ground that encased the artifacts inside. This block went to the GUARD Archaeology lab for a small-scale excavation that took a full week, Toolis said.



Cassette Revolution: Why 1980s Tape Tech Is Still Making Noise in Our Digital World | Collectors Weekly



Gulls fly over the River Thames near the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain February 25, 2017.
Photo by Neil Hal



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Woodstock Preservation Alliance


War Is A Racket - Major General Smedley Butler

The War Prayer - Mark Twain


Who served?


Bill Clinton - Chris Wallace/Faux News - 09/23/06 - Transcript

Stephen Colbert - White House Correspondents' Association Dinner Transcript

The complete transcript - Barack Obama - 2016 White House correspondents' dinner speech

The complete transcript - Larry Wilmore - 2016 White House correspondents' dinner speech

100 Most Banned Books

Photos from D.C. - Nancy Maynard

Melania Trump's nude British GQ photo shoot | British GQ

Melania Trump like you've never seen her before | New York Post

Melania Trump's girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed | New York Post

Johnsonburg, PA - page 5


Church of Reality - click here for more information


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New Head News - Click Here!

War Is A Crime : Click Here!

Saint Clinton

Raw Story - Click Here!

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Drink In Hand - Click Here!

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A box set the whole world should own?
Vile, filthy rumors about Republican hypocrites?

Just plain vile, filthy rumors?

In other words, submissions are welcome.

Send mail to Marty
( SuprmChaos at yahoo dot com )

Or this Marty
( SuprmChaos at aol dot com )

Or this Marty
( SuprmChaos at hotmail dot com )

Or this Marty
( marty at suprmchaos dot com )

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Established 26 July, 2001

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